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Sunday 5 May 2013


You are like a favourite song
Drizzles during the rainy days
A cold breeze during summer
The fresh smell of a new book
Like the sea on a full moon day

You are my sunshine and daylight
Your voice is my daily dose of vitamin
You are the beat of my heart
You are a drug that gives ecstasy

You are my life, you make me smile
My world revolves around you
The thought that you are there
Gives me peace as the day ends

I don’t want to lose you
The mundane bores me
But I want this forever

I cannot think of a world beyond this
It gives me happiness, it gives me pain
If it doesn’t last, I recite a prayer
Give me the strength to move on
I know happiness will be far by then
But give me the strength to live
And then comes the usual secret one
I want this forever, I want this to last!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This poem so much reminds me of John Denver's song, Annie's Song. Do you know the song? Here is the link:

    This poem would sound wonderful if set to a tune.

    Joy always,

    1. Thank you so much Susan! By far, this is one of the best comments I have received. No I have not heard this song but I will hear it now :)

  3. Nice :) Excellent choice of words

  4. Yes, the secret wish! :)
    Was a great pleasure to read ! :)

    1. Thank you Gayathri for the visit and comment. Do come by often :)


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