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Wednesday 10 September 2014

Live a little!

Recently, I met a very interesting person. We ended up talking about travelling and how much we enjoy travelling. At this point, there was another person who joined this conversation. Apparently, I shared my obsession for Ladakh (I pause here to add Ladakh to my dictionary. It HAS to be there). This interesting person, let’s call him IP, is from Delhi and so he told me that he’s BEEN to Ladakh, Sikkim, Darjeeling, river rafting in Uttarkhand, Dehradun, Kashmir and many more places enough to burn a hole in my stomach and see visible fumes coming out of my ears. So, I said, I am planning to backpack alone next year after all the epic failure plans of convincing my lazy ass friends to come with me to Ladakh. He said that it is an excellent idea (I know! I know!) Finally, the person who was listening to us yap about our travel bucket list and how to reach these places, the speciality of each place, opened up. He said, “I love travelling and I want to go to Ladakh too” Wow! It is such a bliss to be around like-minded people (especially when you cannot shut your mouth! especially when there are people who love Ladakh!). I listed him about the offers in the travel website, how to get there, the places to visit, the stuff he should take, blah-lalalaaa (You want to go to Ladakh ask me! I am your travel expert. But I will surely jinx your trip! You can be doubly sure!) Anyway, this guy is a guy by gender and he is not married basically no barriers for him to go to this H.E.A.V.E.N ON EARTH. IP and I both of us are this most enthusiastic people in the planet who can exhaust the energy out of you! 

We suggested that he should start immediately. Apply for leave and just GO! That’s when he said, “These days I don’t have time for anything. I don’t feel like doing anything (A maybe useful tip or you are free to ignore: When men start ranting there is really something wrong. Trust me. So just listen to them and that will do, I guess!) IP asked, “Why? What do you do?” to which this guy said, “I go home at 11 PM from office, throw my mobile off I don’t even care to see if someone has text me, after that I watch some movies in the laptop, just sleep off I won’t even know when, later in the morning I will check my phone for messages or if it still has charge if it has run out of battery I will charge it. Then I come to office and work” I really don’t want to know what he does over the weekends. I can imagine. He would probably be checking his phone in regular intervals to check if it’s still up and running. Now, our office is not really “strict” about timings. They are quite liberal about everything. I noticed a tattoo in his arm that had a girl’s name. From what I spoke to him today I understood that they had broken up. Before that, seriously guys! Love is love. You don’t have  to “tattoo” it! Apparently, this guy is enjoying his love failure! His sorrow, the fact that his gf is not with him anymore I also noticed that he worries a lot about his mobile battery (maybe he should change his phone?) and the messages he receives or might have received more. It was all mobile this, mobile that throughout his conversation.

IP said, “Right, these documents and requirements are more important than your life!” I have become a huge fan of this guy (NO! I don’t have a crush on him.     Not yet! :P) yet he forgot to mention anything about the mobile!!!!! But he is right, we get so caught up with impressing others, satisfying what others want, thinking about what others might think, stalking others on facebook, whatsapp and waiting for someone to understand us. We forget who we are! The second excuse this guy gave us for not going to Ladakh was he’s not got a company (Dude!! I am planning to backpack alone. This is some kind of insult to me!)

The thing is, I have been alone all my life so I don’t know if I can say this but being alone is the best thing in the world because you get to become your friend! It means naturally you start spending more time with yourself and you love you more than others and anything else in this world and being a narcissist (Voila! I got the spelling right) is fun! Precisely, you don’t need a company all the time. You can live your life alone. Being dependent on someone is good but in the long run it makes you sad when the person cannot accommodate you in their life all the time. The person you are dependent on moves on but you are still stuck. You go to the restroom alone, so you can go to Ladakh alone! Although that is an extremely lame comparison I am sure you get my point. If you go alone, you will get to meet very different kind of people and it is a different experience. Just take a share auto to office everyday for starters! 

Let me tell you something, after 5 years the things that matter the most now, the heartbreaks and the fights you have had with your loved ones, the tears, the depression, the sorrow or anything will not matter. What will matter is the time that you wasted thinking of the things that are over. The time you could have used to travel or do something you love was wasted on someone or something that won’t matter after few years. Use the time you have. Life is short, live it. J

“He/She took a piece of me” duh? You decide who you are! YOU!! Absolutely YOU! So, please stop giving me or anybody or yourself this bullshit! Really, it is B.U.L.L! It is difficult after a break up but only if you decide to swim in the misery forever that piece will never return. Been there, done that several times. All my pieces are safe with me!

Jee le Zara, (from one of my most favourite song)


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