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Tuesday 22 July 2014


Lost for words to explain
I long to talk to you once
Lost in our memories
I cringe in a corner afraid to move on
I was lost in your love once
I think of you every day and wince
I did not just lose you 
I lost myself and my happiness
Lost in your thoughts
I smile at a beautiful dream of you
Lost in your smile
I lost myself to you 
Least did I realize it was to end
I wish you know I still crave for your love
You told me I am your lucky charm
Unlucky I am to have lost you forever
Lost in pain and distress
I hope you are happy and smiling
For I love that smile and those eyes


  1. Few more lines :-
    Lost in the conversations we had,
    lasted from young night to dawn,
    lost in your strokes of laughter,
    and the triffles and persuasion,
    Lost myself to be found,
    and to find the heart I shouldn't have lost !!!


  2. That is beautiful! :) Enonymous. I am tired of the hide and seek games and I think I have found who you are! ;)

  3. Good for you !! :)

    1. Well, that was just a lame attempt to make you say who you are! :) I am glad you noticed this poem and made it beautiful although it was not shared anywhere because it is very close to my heart! Stay anonymous. Keep visiting and commenting!


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