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Monday, 17 December 2012

My Dear 2012

You started as a path to a new life
You brought in life and glory
I expected you to be the same as others
But you have given me a new line of hope
Futile I was, endless was the pain
I was walking a lonely road,
A road full of strangers I know
Happiness was a distant dream
I was drowning in pessimism
Life was a huge void

When they came and pulled me out
Pushed me into a pool of love and care
Jumped in along and threw in lots of joy
They never listened, but they knew
I smiled again and it was not fake this time

You started a new road to a lasting friendship
A person I would treasure for a lifetime
Someone I could be myself and not be judged
The one who will always be there for me
The one I will not afford losing forever
Coz I might end up searching myself

You gave me a chance to explore my talent
You showed me that there are good people
There can be a world with no hypocrites
You showed a piece of heaven
You made me a better person

My dear 2012, I know it’s too early to thank you
But there’s never a right time to express gratitude
Here I am thanking you for giving me so many beautiful things
Here I am grateful to you for giving me my lovely friends
I wish your friend does better things to me
I hope this New Year brings me and my loved ones
Loads of happiness and less of crap!
I will treasure you for years to come
Afterall, you made me smile after ages! J


So, what do you think? :)