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Monday, 24 September 2012

Those little mushy things! :)

Well, very recently, I learnt something. I would say I learnt the meaning of the famous lines, “Little things matter the most”. Sometimes a small hug, a beautiful kiss or just holding the hands of your friend or loved one is what they might need and it does matter a lot. Trust me failing to do these things sometimes can bring in a lot of trouble! Oh boy! That’s a real lot!

So here’s the thing, I am not an emotional person or I am not very expressive when it comes to relationships. I am recessive. I somehow love to hold back my thoughts and confuse myself. I am not used to hugging my friends when I meet them, I am always just very formal and the first time when I actually had a friend who hugs me everytime we met I felt weird. She would pull me and give me a nice teddy bear hug. If you see this was not a part of our (or my) practice and I had friends who liked their personal area, I have had friends who don’t like being touched, let alone hug. The first time it was weird but later I got used to it and that if the other person needs a hug or offers I don’t deny but I don’t do it myself. It is because this is how I am, this is me!

However I failed to understand that sometimes we need to change ourselves. Things change and so do our friends. Holding back those feelings or the things you might want to do might cause a drift. A drift that might hurt you a lot, it might even cost a relationship. I think most of us are like this - hesitant, hesitant to accept the fact that we need it too, we need to be hugged and pampered, we need a shoulder to lean onto and we should not wait for the other person to do it. Sadly, we never realize when it always there for us! 

It’s after all your friend or the love of your life or your parents or anybody you know from a long time! You know that this person is not going to deny your hug or the small peck that you might want to give them. When you think from another perspective, they would like to be pampered and made feel special just like how you wanted to! So why the hesitation? Why can’t we just go ahead and do what we want to do? You are not going to be rejected anyway! J Sometimes the very little things that we ignore because of the other unwanted things can change your life!

Well, I learnt it the hardest way by losing few things, few things that meant more than what it should mean! And I do not have a way out but accept and move on! But I think it is not too late for you guys to go ahead and express! Hug the person you love, tell them how much you love them, make them feel special, pamper them and trust me they will reciprocate! After all, little things matter a lot! J


  1. Oh gal, you have no idea how much I could relate to this one!! <3
    It's like I am reading this again and again..
    Very true,I have tried so many times to change and yet something inside stops. You have expressed it so well :)
    *Those little mushy things* I love the title! I love you!:D:):)

  2. Fact fact fact! :)
    so lovely expression... I adore.

  3. yeah... Little things make life..

  4. Lovely post! Am able to relate to what you say. Love and affection follow the rule - 'Give more to get more' :D

    1. Yes I think! Found it maybe a little late! :) thank you for the comment I am happy you liked the post :)

  5. Nice, i also had a similar experience.. sometimes, giving urself is hard :)

    1. Oh yea! I think so! :|Thank you for the comment :)


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